Connection to Israel and Jewish Life

Connection to Israel and Jewish Life

We celebrate Israel and our Jewish culture through incredible music, activities, food and customs. We are proud to have staff from Israel (Shlichim) who bring their passion and energy to camp every day. Regardless of your background or affiliation, you will gain a stronger connection to Jewish life and Israel!

Incorporated in our day-to day activities:

  • The day begins with the singing of Hatikvah
  • Unit wide oneg Shabbat programming every Friday
  • Israeli staff (Shlichim) are employed to enhance our connections to and knowledge of Israel
  • Our Israeli culture specialties offer our campers a taste of Israeli art, music, dance, food, language and more!

Become a Host Family for Shlichim

Become a Host Family for Shlichim

At Centre Camp, we practice the important mitzvah of 'Hachnasat Orchim' (bringing in/welcoming guests) as we welcome Israeli staff into our camp, community and our homes.

To maintain this wonderful and important program, we rely on the hospitality of our camp families who open their homes each summer to our Israeli visitors. Home hospitality offers many opportunities for cultural exchange, enabling our families and young Israeli adults to live together, learn from each other and form meaningful relationships.

Our Shlichim want to share a love of Israel with their host family and learn about and connect with North American Jewish culture. We often hear stories of host families and Shlichim remaining in touch for many years. They celebrate special occasions together, travel together, and consider one another as a part of their own family.

Fill out an application form by clicking the button below.

Who are the Shlichim?

Who are the Shlichim?

Shlichim (emissaries), are Israelis who are have recently completed their army service. Organized by the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), the Summer Shlichim Program helps to strengthen the relationship between Canadians and Israelis and sends Israeli counselors and specialists to work at summer camps in over 200 communities. Each Shaliach goes through an intense interview, screening, and training program before arriving in their host city. Centre Camp has been a part of this program since 2006 and we are thrilled to be able to bring Shlichim back to camp this summer!

Shlichim at Centre Camp

Part of our mission is to help our campers develop a relationship with Israel and Israeli culture and there is no better way to do that than bring Israelis to work on our staff team. The Shlichim bring with them passion, energy, authentic Israeli culture and many talents. Their contributions to camp help our campers and community connect with Judaism and Israel while building long-lasting relationships with these incredible young adults.

Hosting a shaliach took our summer experience at Centre Camp over the top! 5 years later and we are still in touch. He became part of the family instantly and brought us a little taste of Israel. My kids were proud to have their shaliach at camp with them and watching them take the bus together, like siblings, to and from camp was adorable! I was both proud and grateful to be a part of this program.

- Host Family